Tarot cards were initially used as playing cards in various parts of Europe in the mid-15th century; however, in modern days, tarot cards are one the most popular practiced forms of divination.
Each tarot card represents an archetypal being or a lesson. The tarot card reader acts as a channel to the person receiving a reading, and only the client can interpret accurately what is being shown in front of them, making each card reading unique.
Tarot card readings can give a person a new perspective, message, or guidance. This means that tarot cards can be highly symbolic and sentimental to the person receiving a reading, often leading to a specific card they will hold dear to their heart.
It is no wonder that tarot card tattoos are popular! Most of these tattoos hold a deep, nostalgic, sentimental value to their wearer. Here are my top fifteen tattoos that I have found.
1. The Ego Tarot Card Tattoo
The ego is the part of ourselves that interacts with the outside world. It is a common misconception that the ego is something we need to “tame” or “destroy.” The ego is a very important part of our intrinsic human nature and self-identity. Instead, we should learn to become friends with our ego and embrace it.
This is a very symbolic piece and is a custom design. I love the imagery used by the artist; it plays on the multifacetedness of the human experience and the universe, as depicted in the three-headed person. The line work is clean, and its appearance is soft.
2. The Sun Tarot Card Tattoo
The Tarot card is all about you and how you cultivate your inner world and personality. The sun generally symbolizes happiness; in tarot, the sun shows your inner radiance and the happiness you show to others.
The sun tops time and space and emphasizes experiencing the present moment because often, we get stuck in a loop of our past experiences and dwell on them. This tarot is a remembrance of who you are intrinsically and encourages you to embrace it and align with your higher self. This is a card that encourages self-confidence!
What stands out the most about this piece is the bold, dark line work. The imagery works well with the meaning of the tarot; the third eye is spot on!
3. The Hermit Tarot Card Tattoo
The Hermit is another tarot focused on the self. This card encourages the receiver to look within for answers they seek, as they usually seek answers from external, materialistic things. This card emphasizes a period of deep introspection, which can sometimes be a daunting experience. The Hermit can be mysterious and aloof, leaving clues and answers in metaphors and symbols.
The Hermit encourages the receiver to connect with their inner self by returning to nature and stilling the mind so they can hear the answers they desperately seek.
This tattoo looks picturesque with the skill and detail the artist has put into it. I admire the stippled shading used in the lantern and the leaves below. The part that stands out most about this piece is the light emanating from the lantern.
4. Three Of Swords Tarot Card Tattoo
The Three of Swords is directly linked to emotions and attachments. This card could signify a person’s emotional turmoil during a breakup or the loss of a loved one. The card encourages a person to find strength by marching forward and reclaiming their inner power that had been dulled.
Attachments lead to suffering; receiving this card could encourage a person to become more aware of their attachment to redundant things and let go of them.
The imagery of this piece grabs my attention immediately; the expression on the heart’s face shows suffering, which is directly linked to the meaning behind the tarot card. The line work is clean and crisp. Overall, this is a fantastic tattoo.
5. Strength Tarot Card Tattoo
Strength is not a traditional Tarot Card; this is a custom design by an artist for their client, and a very good one at that! I love the artist’s play on imagery used here especially since Mulan is my favourite Disney movie.
The colors used here are deliciously bold and vibrant; I love that the artist used these in the dragon and left Mulan in black work, this creates a wonderful sense of symmetry and balance.
6. The Lovers Tarot Card Tattoo
Although the modern interpretation of “The Lovers” is linked strictly to romantic feelings, it originally symbolized the issues and problems that came when choosing a partner. The card also symbolizes the distraction a person can get from their spiritual growth while in the pursuit of a romantic partner; it is essential never to lose sight of your own goal and dreams.
I love the play on imagery the artist used here; the two ghosts are a cute twist; it gives this tattoo a childlike look. The linework done on this piece is phenomenal.
7. The Fool Tarot Card Tattoo
The fool tarot card symbolises someone who is emotionally vulnerable and easily gives into their uges and needs without giving it a second though and can indicate the presence of emotional immaturity.
This is an indication that the person is swayed by their own delusions and has accumulated bad coping mechanisms and habitats throughout their life, which has resulted in this vulnerability.
The tattoo has been done in a classic tarot deck design; I love the simplicity of the line work and the absence of shading makes this tattoo stand out from the rest.
8. The Tower Tarot Card Tattoo
The tower crad represents the impending strike of destruction or destruction that has already occurred.
The kind of destruction this card represents is not interpersonal or carries an agenda, rather it is impersonal. The Tower is also associated with an unforseeable change.
Getting this card drawn could help the client emotionally prepare for a radical change to occur, making this card particularly useful.
This tattoo has been done in a fine line style; this gives the tattoo a softer appearance, which I think juxtaposes the symbolic meaning behind the card well.
The stippled shading technique the artist used here complements the fine lines perfectly and brings the entire piece together.
9. Two Of Swords Tarot Card Tattoo
The Two Of Swords represents conflicting ideas and problems in a persons personal life and the best way to resolve this would be to communicate your problems effectively.
The blindfolded woman represents pieces of information you may be missing about a certain situation, which puts a greater emphasis on the ability to communicate your problems in a better way.
The tattoo has been done in a blackwork style which is my preferred style of tattoo. The lines are clean and sharp, and the darker shading adds depth to the entire piece.
My favourite part about this tattoo is the white ink the artist used to make certain parts of the tattoo stand out.
10. Judgement Tarot Card Tattoo
The Judgement Tarot card symbolises a time for resurrection, or a deep awakening within ones soul.
This can be linked to a spiritual awakening, where a person becomes aware of the nature of the universe and how they play an important role in the spiritual realm.
The card can symbolise the different parts of our personality that we have curated over the many years of being alive to come together synergetically to make up who we are as a whole, just like on our birthday, it is to be celebrated!
This tattoo has been done by a talented artist. The script is crisp and clean, which I absolutely love. I love the renaissance imagery the artist has captured here, it complements the tarot card very well.
My favourite part about this tattoo is the stippled shading technique the artist has used, it gives the tattoo a translucent appearance and fades into the skin; nice touch!
11. The Joker Tarot Card Tattoo
The joker is not an official tarot card in the traditional deck; this artist has made their own unique tarot card! I wanted to add this one to the list because of the impressive and creative play on imagery.
The jester that is juggling skulls is mystifying and intriguing and has my mind racing to figure out what it means, but only the artist can truly know that!
I love the simplistic approach the artist took when creating this tattoo. The absence of shading adds its own unique twist to the illusion of depth this tattoo gives off. Overall, I rate this tattoo a ten out of ten.
12. Death Tarot Card Tattoo
When the Death card is drawn, naturally a person tends to panic, but this is far from what the card truly means.
The Death Tarot card does not mean death in a literal sense but rather, it carries death in the meaning through metaphors and symbols. This could mean the end of a project, the death of a creative idea, the end of a bad habit and more.
Wherever there is a reaction, there is also an opposite reaction; death could bring about an increase in self-awareness and appreciation resulting in a much needed spiritual transformation.
I love the imagery of the skeleton used by the artist, as well as the entire tattoo design being done in a black work technique. The line work seen on this piece has been done by an artist with many years of experience behind them.
My favourite part about this tattoo is the white ink placed in the bits of barbed wire on either side of the card; this makes the tattoo appear as though it is glistening in the sun.
13. Justice Tarot Card Tattoo
The Justice Tarot card is all about our own moral compass and sensitivity to others emotions and feelings around us.
This card symbolises empathy, truth and compassion. If the justice card gets drawn by a person who is seeking answers, it is rest assured that the fairest decision will be made.
This might be my favorite tattoo on this list as this artist has combined the tarot with my favorite anime; Sailor Moon! The artists choice of colours was spot on and complements the entire design well.
The line work is incredibly clean and tidy which brings this tattoo to the highest of rankings.
14. The Hanged Man Tarot Card Tattoo
The Hanged Man tarot is an indication of a persons inability to make independent decisions on their own.
When a person is going through a period of grief and troubles they tend to let themselves get into a deep pit of depression and their self-esteem plummets. This card encourages a person to get into a season of introspection and embrace whatever feelings they are experiencing and meditate on them. When we observe our feelings from an objective perspective we tend to find easy, and practical solutions to them.
I love the seductive, and erotic imagery the artist used for this tattoo; it gives the piece a cheekiness to it which I absolutely love. The line work is remarkable, too!
My favourite part about this tattoo is the red rope used to hang the girl upside down; this makes the tattoo eye-catching, that’s for sure.
15. The Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card Tattoo
The Wheel of fortune card is all about change; change from being rich to poor, or poor to rich!
Change can mean many different things and is a personal experience to the person drawing a card, whether it is a good or bad thing, that is something only they will know.
The Wheel of fortune can also mean the cyclical nature of life and its progressions through ups and downs and puts a great deal of emphasis on not getting stuck in the ups, or downs, but to rather flow naturally with the cycle of life.
This is my favorite black work piece on this list; I love the bold, dark lines that encapsulate the imagery well.
I hope you enjoyed this selection of tarot card tattoos, as well as the meaning behind each card. If you’re looking for similar tattoos, check out our listing of Astrology tattoos as well.